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Tricampeã olímpica no Vôlei de Praia, Kerri Walsh pede desculpas após postar contra o uso de mascaras

Kerri Walsh Jennings (USA) pediu desculpas após postar no seu Instagram sobre o fato de ter ido ao um mercado sem usar mascara.

A estadunidense foi no último domingo (6) ao mercado e disse que ir sem mascara foi um pequeno exercicio de bravura.

Walsh disse no seu post que: "Fui ao mercado sem mascara e essa foi a razão. Li uma frase em um outro dia que mexeu comigo: Não é obrigatório o uso da mascara, foi consentido!!"

A tricampeã olímpica de vôlei de praia, ouro em 2004, 2008 e 2012, disse que essa frase mexeu com ela e que quis lutar pelos seus direitos individuais, sem ser descuidada ou colocar outros em perigo.

Após a enxurrada de criticas, Walsh postou novamente no Instagram uma imagem pedindo "trégua" e desculpas a quem tenha sido ofendido pelo que disse.

A jogadora falou que: "aqueles que me chamaram de burra, egoista, privilegiada, fanática e racista e 'que sou melhor do que isso' reconheço que fazer tal postagem em tempos de polarização não foi a coisa mais esperta."

Abaixo segue o post:

My goodness gracious. To those I’ve upset so deeply, I am sorry. To those who are open to hearing where I am coming from, I appreciate your openness and civility. To those in agreement, I appreciate you expressing your views. To those calling me dumb, selfish, privileged, bigoted, and racist and telling me that “you are better than this”, I fully acknowledge that addressing such an emotional, layered, nuanced and polarizing topic on social media was not the smartest thing .... pages and pages could be written about every side of everyone’s opinion, yet I went for it because I am alarmed for my country - I am heartbroken for my children - I am devastated for every small business owner who has gone under or who is barely hanging on - I have seen so much conflicting and erroneous data from the experts - and on and on and on - I have researched and I have spoken with experts .... This is why I spoke my point of view. At some point we should all stop and take inventory of everything that has been thrown our way over the past months and the reaction/ to these things. If it sits well or well enough with you, great. If not, great. We should all carry on RESPECTFULLY living our virtues, standing up for our beliefs and doing our best to do no harm in doing so. I was not looking to do anything but express my belief that FREEDOM IS RIGHT WORTH FIGHTING FOR, and amidst the chaos, divisiveness, fear and undeniable emotion of these times, I believe we have to stay mindful of the FACT that our freedoms have slowly been taken from us with our consent. I feel each of the words I mentioned above (fear/chaos/divisiveness) are being intentionally stoked and we are becoming a country that I do not recognize. The comment section of my last post is a reflection of where we are at and it is .... tragic. I’m not quite sure when we became a world where a differing opinion equates to evil and hatred, but here we are. I am not advocating for people to stop wearing masks. I wear a mask most often. I don’t believe in their efficacy unless it’s of a certain caliber, yet I wear them. I am advocating critical thinking and civility. I am advocating personal responsibility. Cont. below
Uma publicação compartilhada por Kerri Walsh Jennings 🌹 (@kerrileewalsh) em

Foto: USA TodayPDT

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